Updated website…coming soon

Still getting everything together for my revamped website including cover images. I’ll have some additional cool stuff to add in the form of widgets…once someone explains them to me in more detail. Good thing the marketing folks and my web designer know what they’re doing. I’m not sure, but I think a widget is a small furry creature in Star Wars…no, wait, that’s an Ewok.

The Big Cheese

A cheese store just opened up in my neighborhood, and I went in for the first time tonight. My reaction on entering…um, that’s a lot of cheese! They certainly picked an appropriate name. I ended up with a sharp Zamorano from Spain made from sheep’s milk, and a creamy vintage Irish cheddar. Now I need to find a cracker store and I’m set.

The Light of Burning Shadows update

Later this month I’ll have all this information on my website proper, but for now I’ll try to keep everyone updated here. I’ve been receiving emails asking me about the next book so I thought I’d address it globally. I gather from your emails that a lot of readers have been burned over the years by series that were never completed, or took an inordinate amount of time with huge gaps (years) between books. I’m happy to report that Book II is on track, on schedule, and completed. I have in my hands the copy-edited ms for Burning Shadows which will shortly become first pages, followed by second pages, and so on. The pub date of July 28, 2009 (North America, not sure what it is for the UK, Oz, NZ, Russia, Japan, etc. yet,) is a go, which means the book will ship from the warehouse earlier that same month. Writing on Book III has begun, and as far as I know is scheduled to pub in the summer of 2010. Other projects/series are in the works, but at the moment that’s all I can say… 🙂

Updating website soon

It’s been pointed out to me that my website is a bit, ahem, behind the times at the moment. Seeing as it still says Darkness will go on sale July 2008 I see your point. It’s going to get a complete overhaul this month.

Maps and cover

There is now a map to the world of the Iron Elves. Actually, there always was, but it was only used by me to help keep things straight. Naturally, more than a few readers suggested they could use the same help, so both the mass market edition of A Darkness Forged in Fire and the hardcover of The Light of Burning Shadows will feature a map. I also plan to post it to my website in the next month as ironelves.com will be getting a complete overhaul.

I’ve seen the latest draft of the cover for Light and it’s looking…hot 🙂 I imagine it will pop up on Amazon or the S&S site first, but as soon as it’s final I’ll post it. Same goes for the UK paperback edition of Darkness which is the one that features Konowa on the cover.

In other news, it’s beautiful here in New York City today and I’m heading out for a run in the park.