London calling

I received the Japanese edition of A Darkness Forged in Fire and it is just all kinds of cute. I love that they totally made it their own – format, art, etc. I’ve never been to Japan, but it’s very high on my list of destinations, and that was even before I watched Lost in Translation.

So my folks are back home in London, Ontario and the RV tour continues, minus the RV. They both had eye appointments so they managed to sneak in 5 stores between drops. I hope they were able to see all right, I’d hate to be an accessory to a fender-bender in commission of a proud parental moment. I’ve never been a co-conspirator before…and convicted 🙂

Thanks to the London booksellers today as well two stores in Michigan I didn’t mention in my last missive:

Community Relations Manager Katie Hugelier at B&N in Flint; Training Supervisor Pete at Borders in Flint; Ryan and Assistant Manager Linda at Coles in London (Masonville Place); Dan and Assistant Customer Experience Manager Brent at Chapters (Fanshawe Park Road); General Manager Joe Peretic at Chapters (near White Oaks Mall); Customer Experience Manager Kim Goldhawk at Coles in White Oaks Mall; Customer Experience Manager Sandy Shanahan at Coles in Argyl Mall

The big rig has crossed the border

My folks made it home tonight after a very long and eventful trip up from Florida to their place outside of London, Ontario. You’d think they’d be able to relax now, but nooooooooooooo. The Canadian tour kicks off next, but before that I’ve repurposed them to meet with one of my authors. Kirsten Holmstedt, author of Band of Sisters and the forthcoming The Girls Come Marching Home, is in London for a conference and will be meeting my folks for breakfast tomorrow morning after which mom and dad will drive her to the airport. During the US leg of the tour my parents invariably talked up my military history line as well as books I have coming out from Stackpole, so it was a case of serious multi-tasking. Stackpole via me via my parents is a full service publisher 🙂

I think I could actually use the word synergy somewhere here and have it be apropos…but I won’t.

More updates to the wesbite including a world map

Covers are coming soon (Japanese edition and British B Format edition for Darkness, and the hardcover of Light of Burning Shadows). There’s an expanded “Publishing 101” section in the About the Author page, and a world map of the um, world, as it’s known for the first two books.

We’re still fine tuning things (which means my designer is while I send her all kinds of suggestions that may or may not work) so if you have ideas that would help make it more user friendly please let me know.

The RV tour gets back on the road tomorrow as they make their run to the border and home where they will blitz Canada. Special thanks to Kerrie Loyd at Pocket for all her help the last couple of days! And a big thanks as well to my designer, Tessa.

The big 5-0

The RV might be in the shop, but my parents were still on the road. They took a swing up into Michigan today and broke the 50 store barrier. Is that the gold store? Thanks to the many helpful people who met with my parents today:

Lead Bookseller Kati at B&N in Ann Arbor; Inventory Supervisor Amy Brown at Borders in Ann Arbor (3527 Washtenaw); Alison and Store Manager Richard Walker at Borders Express in Ann Arbor (Briarwood Mall); Jenni R. (who kindly agreed to take another book to the downtown store) at Borders in Ann Arbor (Waters Place); Karen at B&N in Battlecreek; Russ and Community Relations Manager Mike Culp at B&N in Portage