What else do you do creatively when you aren’t writing?

This probably won’t come as a startling revelation to you, but I’ve noticed a lot of writers are creative in other areas in addition to putting pen to paper. I know several who are also musicians, at least two that make jewelry both as a hobby and as a side business(see my friend Deb Christerson’s fantasy/nature pieces here http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7003693&page=1&section_id=&order= ) one that makes puppets, and still others that draw/paint/sculpt and on it goes. Perhaps it’s the same with musicians and sculptors etc. Are we all Renaissance people to some degree? Myself, I draw, build and paint scale miniatures, and sing horribly at Karaoke and the shower.


The saga of the lower extremities (tibias to be precise)

Was back at the orthopedic surgeon’s today for an assessment. Running is still verboten, but I can spin (stationary bike) and will now start physio therapy. I had hoped to be healed by now, but alas, it’s going to take some time to heal. And no, I’m not frustrated One. Little. Bit….ARGHHHHHHH.

I met China Mievelle’s editor for lunch today, but I knew him – Chris Schluep – when he was working out of a converted photo-copier cubbyhole in the previous RH building on Times Square, and I was so green I could have doubled for broccoli. We talked publishing and writing and he gave me a copy of China’s latest to read, The City & The City. I told him he should get better copy editors, but he assured me the title was intentional. And we laughed.

And I had an entirely unsatisfying turkey hotdog for dinner. Snacking will ensue.

An excerpt and a chuckle

S&S have this new thing where authors answer a series of questions, some serious, others not (the answers, not the authors, although in my case…) Here’s my contribution:


And finally, here’s the first chapter to The Light of Burning Shadows:


Guten tag!

After spending a terrific weekend in Syracuse, NY, with my girlfriend and her daughter(I need to update my website’s bio!) I came home to what turned out to be icing on the cake. The hard working folks at Simon & Schuster’s subrights department and specifically Lisa Keim have done it again. The Iron Elves trilogy has just been sold to Blanvalet, a division of RHGermany. I’ve almost got the complete UN security council at this point with the US, UK, Russia, and France, with Japan too and only China as a holdout 🙂 (And yes, I know Germany and Japan aren’t part of the permanent SC). Oh, and to add just that extra bit of sunshine, Tantor Audio have picked up The Light of Burning Shadows to come out this year.

Thank you all!

UK A OK…erm, I’ll work on my cheer

S&S UK have picked up the third Iron Elves book as well so it’s crumpets for breakfast. I actually grew up eating crumpets and LOVE them with butter and jam. Crumpets make toast taste like carpet in comparison.

And I’m off on a last minute mini-adventure that should be a lot of fun.