The Girls Come Marching Home by Kirsten Holmstedt on sale today

I’m often asked what I’m working on as an editor, and today I get to share the launch of a new book by one of my authors. I’m extremely proud of the book and of Kirsten.

They may have left the war, but the war will never leave them . . .

While writing her first book, Band of Sisters, which told the amazing true stories of women on the battlefield, Kirsten Holmstedt developed an unrivaled relationship with female service members. Now she follows America’s women warriors as they come home from Iraq and explores the other side of war – its painful aftermath, including post-traumatic stress disorder, survivor’s guilt, physical wounds, and other challenges.

At turns heartbreaking and infuriating, The Girls Come Marching Home covers a compelling assortment of fighting women with a broad range of experiences and backgrounds. Kirsten tackles controversial issues head-on, from racism, sexual harassment, and drugs to the difficulties of getting treatment from the Veterans Administration. Capturing these women’s unique voices, Kirsten lets them speak for themselves about their trials and tribulations, their hopes and dreams, their frustrations and achievements. Even as the Iraq War dies down, these stories will resonate for years to come.

You can find out more at:

If you’ve read my first book then take a look at this you’ll see where I get some of my inspiration. These women are exceptional in that they’re ordinary warriors doing extraordinary things. This is as real, raw, and fiercely honest as it gets.



An interview with yours truly

Dave (see the previous post) just reminded me about the Online Writing Workshop. If you’re a writer looking for a place to sharpen your skills and get some great feedback you should check it out. I recently did an interview with them that is now online. It gives a few more of my thoughts on writing and publishing. Each month there’s a different writer or publishing professional interviewed so you’ll probably learn something new that will help you along if you’re pursuing a writing career.

You can find it here:
Just click on the newsletter/e-groups tab at the top, then click current newsletter (a few lines down from the top,) then scroll about 2/3s down. I’ve pasted a portion of the Q&A below so you can see some of what we talked about.

Tell us a little about your most recent book, The Light Of Burning Shadows.

It continues the story from A Darkness Forged in Fire in a world where magic and muskets coexist, so a time period roughly similar to the late 1700s/early 1800s. It’s certainly in the vein of traditional fantasy — something I’m not the least bit ashamed to say — but there are a few twists. Much of my inspiration is derived from areas that aren’t mined all that often in fantasy, coming from the works of authors and historians like Rudyard Kipling, Bernard Cornwell, Richard Holmes, Michael Shaara, George MacDonald Fraser, Terry Copp, Barbara Tuchman, and T.E. Lawrence, among others. (see interview for more)

You are an historian as well as an editor of history books. What makes history come alive for you?

Inspired research, attention to details, and narrative flair. History is, or should be, about telling a story. That might sound obvious, but too often you see history presented as a dry dissertation of facts. That’s not wrong, but it’s hardly inviting. Worse though, is that if a writer can’t make history interesting then it prompts the question why write it in the first place? Writing is all about communicating. And at the risk of offending my former colleagues in academia, it’s about entertaining, too. (see interview for more)

What advice would you like to give the aspiring author?

The harder you work the luckier you get. I joined OWW and went to Clarion because I wanted to be a writer, but when Del Rey offered me a job I jumped at the opportunity to become an editor and learn the business from the inside. Basically, I spent a seven-year apprenticeship as an editor while using my free time — when I could make some — to improve my skills as a writer. So keep an open mind and plan for the long term. (see interview for more)



Syracuse in the summer

Beautiful sunny morning here in Syracuse and we’re about to go for breakfast. Yesterday the hotel had round eggs to go with the round sausages. Today we’re hoping for triangles.

Last night we ate at the Dinosaur BBQ, which apparently used to be a biker bar and is now known as one of the best rib joints in the country. The food and service were fantastic, and there were several Harley’s parked out front. We, however, were in a minivan. But we still rocked.

Demon Redcoat by C.C. Finlay hits shelves today – and I begin the regimen of agony!

Friend and fellow author C.C. Finlay’s third book in his (presumed) trilogy on magic in the American Revolution goes on sale today. All three books are available in mass market so they’re ideal for summer reading (but really, you can enjoy them all year round 🙂

Ah, yes, the pain. So, I start physical therapy today on my road-running damaged legs. I’m assuming it’s going to be painful, but perhaps sore would be/will be more appropriate in describing the experience. I’ll know by tonight.