Meet a few of my authors

As an editor I publish 30+ books a year which means I deal with a lot of authors. Some of them have websites and I thought it might be nice to make introductions as I’ve received a few emails asking me about what I do when I’m not writing the Iron Elves.

So, in no particular order, here they are:

Charles V. Jones, author of Boys of ’67, Red, White, Or Yellow and a forthcoming book on Marine Combat Photographers in WWII

David Danelo, author of Blood Stripes and The Border

Kirsten Holmstedt, author of Band of Sisters and The Girls Come Marching Home

George Bradford, author of the AFV Plans series and Rommel’s Afrika Korps

Robert W. Black, author of The Battalion, Cavalry Raids of the Civil War, Ghost, Thunderbolt, and Wizard, and the forthcoming The Ranger Force and Ranger Dawn

Joseph Balkosi, author of Beyond the Beachhead, Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and From Beachhead To Brittany

Terry Pratchett – Fair warning, this is heavy reading

Many of you know that I am a huge and vocal fan of Terry Pratchett. I don’t recall when exactly I discovered Discworld, but now I can’t imagine my life without the adventures of the denizens of that magical place. I think my favorite character is Moist Von Lipwig, but there are so many to choose from that it’s hard to put one above the others.

It was wrenching to hear back in 2007 that Terry had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, a progressive and ultimately fatal brain disease. It’s a horrifying disease, and one I think with particular terrors for the writer as it attacks one’s ability to think and remember. Terry’s written an incredibly moving and, to paraphrase him, ferociously upbeat article about facing this disease and the right to die with dignity in the Daily Mail, and it hit me hard enough that I wanted to share it with you:

The man has guts.

Good morning United Kingdom, and yet another contest

The Light of Burning Shadows officially hits shelves today in the UK. Yesterday, my British editor sent me cover drafts for the mm edition that will come out next summer and all I can say is wow! It’s going to look very cool, or rather, hot.

There’s yet another free giveaway of The Light of Burning Shadows going on, this time over at Fantasy Book Critic. I think it’s big of them to do this as they really didn’t like the first book. You can find the contest and enter here:

I went camping and wasn’t eaten by a bear

Not that I really expected to be eaten by a bear, but you hear stories. I took the train upstate on the weekend as far as Syracuse where my girlfriend and her daughter picked me up and we then drove to Selkirk Shores State Park, which, I’m told, has a very low incidence of bears eating campers.

It rained. A lot. Monsoon-like. End of the world kind of rain. Rain drops that could kill a man…well, maybe not that big, but they weren’t small. Still, we had a wonderful weekend and I had s’mores for the first time in my life! When I was a kid we used to toast broccoli on the fire, so this was a big step up. Graham crackers, melting chocolate warmed by the fire, and a toasted marshmallow all smushed together…mercy.

I did get in a few trail walks among the trees and my thoughts strayed to the third Iron Elves book. As with the bears, no trees tried to attack me, but I kept a close eye on them just the same. Ever since I started writing this series my view on trees has changed. I just don’t trust them as much. Any moment they could choose to fall on you, or at least drip water from their leaves when you walk underneath even though it’s not raining so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting wet but a little breeze blows through and suddenly it’s a mini-downpour under the particular tree you’re walking by and…well, you get the picture.

So no bear or tree attacks, camp fires every night (I like to show the trees just who’s in charge,) s’mores and more – it was a great weekend.