I need one of those slow moving vehicle signs…

…to tape to my back because I FINALLY got the green light to start running again yesterday. I truly don’t know which was worse – the pain of the injuries or the excruciating waiting for them to heal. Now my biggest challenge is to start out slow and easy. I really don’t do slow and easy. I think I suffer from restless spirit syndrome. I’m fidgeting as I write this. The strange paradox is, however, that I sometimes also procrastinate.

I did ask the doctor about the Nike 10k race coming up the end of October and it looks like I’ll be cleared for that as long as I stay healthy. So something to look forward to. And in my immediate future I’m having breakfast with a friend which is a very nice way to start a Friday, especially this Friday.

Reading makes me hot…or maybe it’s the weather

Summer heat or not, I love a challenge. So, while reading manuscripts for work, a sexy thriller/mystery novel, and Len Deighton’s Berlin, I’ve been rereading (well, in an attempt to get my mind around the concepts) Etienne Klein’s Chronos, then switched to the revised and updated version of Hawking’s A Brief History Of Time. Now my synapses are firing so fast I swear I spotted a quantum singularity in my fridge just behind the loaf of whole wheat bread and a smidge to the left of the yogurt cups.

New video about The Iron Elves now online

Big thanks to the nice folks at Simon & Schusters’ multimedia department for taping an interview with me. It’s now up on S&S’ website and you can view it here: http://authors.simonandschuster.com/Chris-Evans/46195026

In other publishing news, I hear C.C. Finlay (http://www.ccfinlay.com/) is hard at work on a new book, Richard Knaak (http://www.richardaknaak.com/INTRO.html) is coming out with a huge book in his Dragonrealm series on September 1, and Karen Traviss has said goodbye to the world of Star Wars in a blog post here http://karentraviss.typepad.com/blog/2009/08/end-of-one-era-start-of-another.html

I first met Karen at Michigan State University in the summer of 2000. We were attending the Clarion East SF/F Writers Workshop. You might recognize another name from that class, Gavin Grant, of Small Beer Press fame (http://smallbeerpress.com/). He’s now married to author, Kelly Kink (http://kellylink.net/ I think I met her there, then, too). I may have mentioned this before, but it was Gavin who told me Del Rey were looking for an editor for both SF and military. I got that job and the rest is a mystery, or something like that. I’m pretty sure I still owe him a beer or twenty for that. Anyway, before I start pulling out slides and showing you the cafeteria where we ate lunch, I bring this up because it’s been an amazing nine years from that summer to this.

UK release date update…to date

The official pub date for The Light of Burning Shadows in the UK was supposed to be August 6, but if you live in the UK and have been looking for the book you’ve probably noticed by now you haven’t found it. Turns out there was a small glitch in the delivery and the book will begin showing up in stores by the end of this week.

Moonlight, Lace, and Mayhem…oh baby

When I was writing A Darkness Forged in Fire I was in a relationship that was ending. When I wrote The Light of Burning Shadows I was single and dating madly (er, by which I mean a lot, as opposed to lunatic-like, although my dates might beg to differ). No doubt that colored my views on the relationship between Konowa and Visyna. Still, just as I had hope I would find the love of my life, I hoped these two characters would find a way, too. Actually, what I really hoped is that I would figure out how that might happen. I’m still working on it, but it’s been more than a little gratifying to see some blogs pick up on the relationship – as imperfect and challenged as it is – and root for it to survive and even succeed. This is all preamble to introduce you to a romance/mystery blog where I recently had the honor of being a guest blogger:


A huge thanks to Carrie for the terrific article, and for asking me to participate.

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