Back from the wild green yonder

So I live and work in New York City, but the publishing house I edit for, Stackpole Books – – is located in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, about three and a half hours by train or a little less than three by car. I just got back to NYC after a three day visit at company HQ. The weather was brilliant as were all my meetings. What was most encouraging is that we’re seeing a marked increase in sales across the lines of books we publish as we go into the Fall. I hope that’s a trend that catches on in the economy as a whole.

I also had a chance to meet our new national accounts manager and chat about the coming Spring 2010 line as we drove back to the city. Things are definitely looking up (fingers crossed!) It was an intense and fulfilling three days and now I have the long weekend with which to decompress and get back into my writing. At the moment, however, I am going to head out for a run!

Book III has a title – Ashes Of A Black Frost

The contracts are signed and the writing is underway on Ashes Of A Black Frost. It’s due to publish summer/fall 2010 in North America. As I get information on other markets I’ll let you know. Usually the UK and Australian/NZ editions come out about a month later.

There are a lot of secrets in District 9

Yes, I saw District 9 tonight, and yes, I’m a fan. If you haven’t seen a trailer for it yet you can view one here (it’s rated R):

There are some terrific special effects in the movie, but it’s really more about the story. The juxtaposition of an alien slum in South Africa with its history of apartheid adds layers of complexity to an already intricate story. If you’re looking for a science fiction movie with good effects and even better plot you should definitely check this one out.



First World War soldiers mass grave found

Karen Traviss sent me this link. It’s moving stuff. I’ve been over to France several times on battlefield tours, and the thing I’ve found while walking among the fallen in the war cemeteries that dot the countryside is an overwhelming sense of sadness – obviously at the loss of life, but also that so many soldiers’ remain unaccounted for. I’m heartened that at least 252 in this case have been found.

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