A street market, parade, and writing in the park

Today was one of those glorious fall days that make up for having to suffer through seasons like summer. Yup, I’m an autumn all the way. Today didn’t quite rise to the level of needing a sweater, but it was wonderful none-the-less. I started the morning at the street market in my neighborhood which featured a lot of fresh produce as well as a massive array of jewelry. Next up was a walk to Central Park where I sat on a bench, sipped a coffee from Tim Horton’s and jotted down notes for Ashes of a Black Frost. I then headed back home, but was happily waylaid by the Steuben’s Day parade proceeding up 5th Avenue. This is a German heritage celebration and is similar to St. Patrick’s Day…sort of. After watching that for a while I headed back home and wandered the market again. Did I mention the weather was cool with a crispness in the air and a clear, sunny sky? It was, as some might say, wunderbar!

Oh, and for all those who entered the Suvudu.com contest the winners will be announced on Monday.



Just when you thought the contests were over…

Yup, there’s another one. I’m pleased to announce that Suvudu.com are hosting a contest giveaway of 5 signed copies of The Light Of Burning Shadows here:


The contest closes on September 18. And there’s an interview with yours truly as well which you can read here:


Birds on the brain

I was chatting with my brother last night and we got talking about school mascots. I suddenly realized that all of mine have been birds. My highschool went to battle as the Fenelon Falcons, the university where I did my under grad degrees cawed mightily as the Carleton Ravens, and then for my grad degree I went to Wilfrid Laurier where the Golden Hawks flew supreme. Still, if I ever go back to school for my PhD I want to find one with squirrels as the mascot. I have several chants in mind…but as there is a growing nut allergy in the world today I’ll leave them up to your imagination.

Yeah, but what about pelicans?

A friend sent me this link http://tech.yahoo.com/news/nm/20090910/wr_nm/us_safrica_pigeon to an article about a South African company sending data by courier pigeon because it was faster than using the internet! When I came up with a drunk pelican to relay messages in the first Iron Elves book it was definitely done tongue in cheek, but now I’m starting to wonder if it might be more viable than I thought.

Nerding it up old school – just found my D&D figure after 25 years

Talk about rekindling an old flame. My Dungeons and Dragons character was a knight errant named after Hotspur from Shakespeare’s Henry IV. As you can see he’s a handsome, martial little fellow and not the least bit squeamish about mixing it up when there are orcs to be sorted. This is from my B.G. period (before girls) although I do recall being aware of them (girls) at the time, but I think they scared me more than orcs. Come to think of it, they still do…

So at the risk of setting off a D&D nostalgia-fest, any former (or current) players out there?