The Light Of Burning Shadows gets a starred review in Publishers Weekly

This came as a pleasant surprise. All in all, a nice way to start the week 🙂
(you have to scroll about 2/3s down to read the review…if you’re interested)

In other news, I am finishing up the last of the questions sent to me by the Russian translator (honest, Kot, I’ll have them for you today!) for A Darkness Forged in Fire, and I’m close to finding out when the audio for Light of Burning Shadows will be available.

Frazzled but home

I think Amtrak is secretly run by the auto and aviation industries with the sole purpose being to make any other mode of transportation appear superior to that of the train. Ugh, yet another looong and unnecessarily aggravating trip by train. I did have a wonderful weekend away, however, but both the train out and train back had problems. The one out of New York was a 1/2 hour late, not too horrible, but the one back into the city actually broke down and we had to hop onto another train out in the middle of New Jersey.

I think I’ll run next time, it’ll be faster and more fun.

Taking things for granted, and the battle not to

I’ve had occasion of late to think about this and it isn’t pretty when you shine a light into the darker parts of your heart, but I think it’s necessary if a person has any hope of emotional growth. I’m an optimist, but it occurs to me that that in itself comes with challenges. When you believe things will work out there is the danger that you take things for granted and don’t try as hard as you should to make sure they do work out. Perhaps not a big revelation, but taking it to heart has definitely opened my eyes. I don’t want to say my epiphany has come too late (remember, I did say I am an optimist), but I do wish I could have figured this out a little sooner…

Anyway, why this morose post? I had a rough October personally and while I’ve been coping with it my assistant was in a car accident yesterday. I’m beyond thrilled to say he’s going to be ok, but it got me thinking about life, death, and taking things for granted. Again, nothing new or shocking here, just my awakening awareness of how tenuous this life of ours is which in turn has me questioning if I’m really living up to my potential? Not being religious I figure I’ve only got one shot at this so I really should be doing more. I don’t necessarily mean in a quantitative sense, but simply more as a human being.

Hmmm, I have this sudden feeling that you’re sitting on a chair with a note pad while I’m lying on a couch looking at ink blots.

NYC Marathon photos (I blame my cold for my slow reaction…………time)

I think after you see this you’ll agree that I’m not the guy you want taking pictures at your wedding or any other event you actually want to have photos of.

This is my first shot of the lead women as they ran by. Notice the large truck. The women were behind it, really.

I kept trying and then got this one. If you look just behind the motorcycle you’ll see part of a woman runner.

In a slight panic I started snapping wildly and you can actually see one of the runners in this one!

Undaunted, I kept snapping and by the time the men came by I had refined my technique.

I almost missed Mayor Bloomberg, but as he was in a car I had a bigger target to aim at. Still, it was close.

And last but not least, everyone else in the race. If I’d missed them I would have chucked my camera and crawled back into bed.

New York City Marathon runs tomorrow and I’ll be there…er, cheering from the sidelines

The route takes the runners right up First Avenue which is about 75 yards from my apartment building. I go out and cheer on the runners as they go by. I’m hoping, at least I think I am, that if I stay injury free I’ll be able to run it one day. My actual plan is to start with a 1/2 marathon, at least one running of the Urbanathalon, maybe a few smaller races, then the marathon.

In writing news I am, both Ashes of a Black Frost and something completely different.