I used to read this magazine…for the articles…really!

“Canada’s second-oldest magazine, The Beaver, is changing its name because its unintended sexual connotation has caused the history journal to become snagged in Internet filters and has turned off potential readers.”


I’d comment, but I’m too emotional at the moment to fully articulate my feelings, yeah, that’s it.

The Czech, please

After surviving a particularly brutal bout of food poisoning earlier this week where I lost 3 and a 1/2 pounds in 12 hours (mercy) I was in need of something to lift my spirits. A late night email from my editor at Pocket did the trick nicely. A Darkness Forged In Fire and The Light of Burning Shadows have been licensed for translation by the Czech publishing house Fantom Print.

In other news, I need to stock up on ginger ale, chicken soup, crackers, and ice cream.

Update – I’m back from the grocery store where I picked up some fresh fruit, almonds, raisins, and chicken soup. I feel healthier already.

I’d like to thank the academy (for not calling the police)

The Best of 2009 lists are proliferating at the moment and I’d like to thank the bloggers/readers and websites that named my works. It’s a very nice feeling. Sort of warm and fuzzy with a touch of silk and a hint of hard liquor, er, better stop there.

Soooo, my tux is back from the cleaners, when will the limo be picking me up?

Big thanks to the following for making my day:





Further misadventures in cooking with Chris

I managed to set fire to my lunch, again. Those that follow my blog may recall this http://chris-r-evans.livejournal.com/43080.html

Happily, no oven mitts were incinerated this time, only spaghetti. I had the water on boil and as I always do took the spaghetti strands and snapped them in half over the pot. A few errant strands managed to fall under the pot and catch fire (did I mention I have a gas stove?) In retrospect, I suppose the first thing I should have done was turn the burner off. Instead, I raced around looking for a pair of needle nose pliers with which to delicately pluck the burning spaghetti from the flame while simultaneously stirring the spaghetti that made it into the water. Not sure what to call it, but I think I might have invented a new way to serve spaghetti, that is if you like blackened, crunchy bits mixed in. I thought the sauce might mask the charred flavor.

It doesn’t.

Hard to believe I’m still single…