I don’t stand in front of the microwave door anymore

One, I figure it’s just not wise if I ever want to have kids and two, every once in a while the stuff I put in there has a tendency to explode and/or catch fire. I’m getting better at figuring out what those things are, but now I stand off to the side by the fridge while I await the verdict.

In writing news I’ve been invited to Lunacon which takes place in March just a short distance north of New York City in Rye. I’ve never been but it sounds fun. They have something called “Adult Programming” which begins at 11pm…not sure what that might entail, but I’ll break out my smoking jacket and martini glass just in case.

What’s your morning routine?

My usual morning goes something like this:

Up around 6:00 (but can be as early as 5:30 or as late as 7)
Off to the gym or for a run, then back home
Shower, possibly sing out of tune while in shower
Then either off to the Gracie Mews for breakfast or
Coffee, fruit, and perhaps a bagel while reading the news on my laptop
Write for a 1/2 hour to an hour
Clock into work at 9…ish

Pretty standard stuff. I live alone so no pets to walk, no kids to chivvy out of bed, and no significant other to remind to pick up the dry cleaning. The biggest deviation I’m likely to encounter is having to wash a coffee mug so that I have a clean one (I only have four and usually use two a day, and yes, I realize that shouldn’t take much energy to keep washed up, but you’re severely underestimating my ability to procrastinate if I’m not motivated).

In a writing frenzy

Do you ever get in one of those fevered writing jags where the ideas come so fast and so powerfully that you curse your hands for not being able to type 500 words a minute? I’ve been in the heart of one today and honestly, it’s better than s- ‘mores. Ideally, I’d be out camping right now eating s’mores while writing, but seeing as I’m in New York in my apartment and eating healthier I’ll settle for the writing. I’m going to get back to it before the Golden Globes come on.

Shoot, now I really want a s’more.

9 versus District 9

I thought District 9 was a brilliant movie. Innovative, politically charged, and very thought provoking. I had one of the most stimulating and exciting conversations I’d ever had with anyone about a movie with my ex after watching District 9. It lit intellectual and emotional sparks. 9, on the other hand, mystified me. I just didn’t get it. The animation was fine, but the palette of browns made it exceedingly dreary. 9 just didn’t grab me. They aren’t trying to be the same movie so other than the cute similarity of their titles I suppose it’s unfair to compare them, but it’s Friday night and I’m here in my apartment and that’s where my mind wandered.

Oh say can you hear – the audio edition of The Light Of Burning Shadows is finally available

Many thanks to those of you waiting patiently for the audio edition. Just in time for Christmas…2010, the audio is here 🙂 And, if you’d like to hear a sample of narrator Michael Kramer reading the news sheet at the front of the book, check here:


Just click on the right side of the little green sample button.