OK, let’s try this again

I think it’s pretty apparent that I’m not a social media pro, not even semi-pro. I do understand a lot of the world is online these days, but it’s like pulling my own teeth to get me to post. I’ll do the odd post on FB or Twitter, but even then I’m usually just sharing a photo or article I found. It’s not from any sense of ‘I’m better than this’, but more I just don’t know what I would write about.

I suppose if I was jet setting around the globe I could regale you with new and exotic locales and interesting people, but like most of us I’ve been in a more or less constant lockdown for over a year and a half. And like most of us, I am sooooooooooo tired of this pandemic. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to end.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have chosen a gray Monday morning to re-engage with social media, but to quote General George S. Patton “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan executed next week.”



Are smoothies a super food?

I suppose it depends entirely on what’s in them. Mine aren’t filled with exotic extracts or rare fruits, but drinking one just makes me feel healthier and an overall better human.

How’s that for vapid?


I’m feeling a bit grouchy, but I’ve had two cups of coffee already so that’s not my excuse. It’s raining here, here being New York City/Gotham/the Big Apple which is not a terrible thing as it helps clean the sidewalks (just imagine tens of thousands of dogs doing their business and only some of their owners picking up after them). It’s Friday, too, which is always a reason to smile. I did make the mistake of starting my day off by reading the news so I suspect that’s the source of my mood. I will be beyond thrilled when the election is over, and then either elated or suicidal depending on the outcome.

