After many years of trying and failing to eat properly I finally got the hang of it last summer through the support and inspiration of someone very close to me. I’ve kept at it ever since and despite a few minor relapses I’ve been surprised at how habit forming healthy eating has become. Still, it takes eternal vigilance. I realized I was eating bacon a lot when I went to the Gracie Mews for breakfast so I recently started substituting tomato slices for bacon slices. I do notice the difference. It’s like trading orgasmic for organic. Close, but not really. I suspect my arteries are much happier though (pigs, too) so some good has come of it. And I do appreciate bacon all the more when I do order it. And before you say it, yes, I’ve tried turkey bacon, and like big, bloody volcanoes, it should be banned.
The inequity of tomatoes for bacon
April 20, 2010