Sent the copy edited manuscript for Ashes back to my editor tonight. It was all done electronically using track changes which really does speed things up and ensures you’re always working with the same manuscript. With all the tweaks and refinements the book is clocking in significantly bigger than The Light of Burning Shadows did. It’s not a matter of quantity for quantity’s sake mind you, just that there was a lot of story to tell in this one. For example, one character actually – oops, guess I don’t want to let the cats out of the bag just yet 🙂 Suffice it to say that there a few twists in Ashes that I hope catch you off guard.
Things will really start moving at Gallery now. From this manuscript they’ll generate first page proofs which are often used to create galleys or ARCs (Advance Reading Copies) which get sent to reviewers and sometimes buyers in stores as a way to generate buzz. Last week I worked on the flap copy they sent me so the cover is pretty much complete and should be released soon. How soon I don’t yet know, but soon.