I do, although until the last year or so, I was never great at actually following through on them. At some point I finally decided to take my lists more seriously, and also to create lists that were actually doable. Gone are the days when I’d write stuff like “finish the novel” and instead have been replaced by “finish that scene.” Now that I’ve got a handle on making these lists and checking things off as I complete them, I’ve even started assigning time frames for my tasks. This might sound silly or unnecessary to some of you, but my life-style has been one of essentially excessive freedom for the last few years, and as marvelous as that sounds, too much freedom is another way of saying not enough structure. So I’m building up the structure around me, setting up waypoints and markers throughout my day that take the place of the structure I’d have if I commuted to an office. I used to rebel at this, but now I welcome it.
Good grief, I think I’m growing up 🙂