Chance to win a super rare leather-bound set of the Iron Elves and support a worthy cause

You may know that I am a runner. Not super fast, but I try. What you probably don’t know is that I have lost several family members to cancer. In that, I am certain I am not alone. I won’t be the one who finds the cure for cancer, but hopefully I can help those who will.

I’ve signed up to run in the Terry Fox for Cancer Research event to be held in New York City, Saturday, October 13. I’m asking all my fans, friends, and family to help me raise some money. Everyone who donates or helps publicize the event will be eligible to win. As a way to say thanks for your support, I have one complete set of the series – A Darkness Forged in Fire, The Light of Burning Shadows, and Ashes of a Black Frost, all professionally leather-bound, to give away. Naturally, they’ll be signed and personalized. Open to fans around the world.

If you’d like to donate, please go here:

I’m back (not that I was gone, I just wasn’t posting on my blog – bad writer)

To catch everyone up, I’m working on my next book which is currently titled The Tree Line. I’ll be handing it in to my editor this fall for publication in the summer of 2013.  The mass market edition of Ashes of a Black Frost is out in the UK and due out in North America late September. I don’t know the dates for the other territories, but I believe the Czech translation of Darkness will be coming soon. I know the Russian one is done and I think in stores.

I recently spent a week and a half in France and still dream of moules et frites and croissants with Nutella…not together mind you. I was the historian for a group of high school history teachers and talked about what happened at various battlefields in the Somme and Normandy. It was fantastic. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been to Normandy now, but someday I think I’m going to buy a little cottage in one of the villages and make it my summer place. Oh, and I’m including one of my hero shots. Seriously, I need to get me one of these!

The PR firm of Mom and Dad back on the road

My parents recently sold their home in Canada and are now living the carefree life of gypsies, albeit with a huge RV in tow and a home in Florida for the winter. When they’re not out gallivanting (love that word!) they pop into bookstores to do a little PR work for yours truly.  Today they were in Owen Sound, Ontario and stopped in at the Coles bookstore. We lived there when we were kids so there’s a connection. The thing I liked best about Owen Sound, and still do, is that it’s the birthplace of Billy Bishop, Canada’s highest scoring fighter ace. Anyway, my folks got a chance to chat with Angela and Jan of Coles and I wanted to thank them for welcoming my parents and taking the time to talk. It means a lot and I appreciate, and so do my parents. It might sound hokey to some, but those few minutes of interest have a lasting impact.

By the way, did I mention the title of my new book? It’s called The Tree Line. It’s a different approach than my previous titles, but then this fantasy is different from the Iron Elves. The title has several meanings, but the one that first resonated with me was the clear demarcation between two spaces. I like that concept, the idea of danger and safety, light and dark, and how over time those distinctions can blur and even switch. It’s one of the motifs I’m exploring as it mirrors the war in Vietnam which of course is the conflict I am using for inspiration this time. Oh, and after a great chat on Facebook with some readers I am ramping up my dragon research. I spent a couple hours today looking up the various melting points of metal and the general state of metallurgy and alloys in the Middle Ages. Fascinating stuff. But what does that have to do with dragons? You’ll see 🙂

If you come upon a dragon at a fork in the road, wearing clean underwear no longer matters

I’m curious where you come down on the physiology of dragons. Reptile, mammal, or unique in their dragoness? Sentient, like Smaug in the Hobbit, Naomi Novik’s dragons in her Temeraire series, Anne McCaffery’s dragons in her Pern series, Eragon by Christopher Paolini,  or simply animals? Magical (see above) or not? Fire breathing or not? Over used or under-utilized? Are dragons always scaled (which suggests a reptilian heritage)?

Dragons live and breathe in the new world I’m creating for my next novel. I’m currently developing them and am elbow deep in their innards working out what makes them tick. As a result, I’ve been reading up on the thermal properties of a lot of materials, studying flight characteristics, and otherwise becoming very curious about where dragons currently roost in today’s fantasy.

My Memorial Day Weekend at Balticon

I had a terrific time at the convention. I was tempted to try to mention everyone I met, but I know I’d forget a few names…so I decided what the heck and will attempt it anyway, albeit in broad, sweeping terms:

Thanks to very kind and generous staff of the Green Room. They kept it well stocked with drinks and snacks for authors in need a respite between panels. The coffee was hot, the bottled water ice cold, and the mini-bagels delicious. I don’t know if everyone is aware of this, but often at Cons there will be a Green Room where those participating on panels can go and hang out and fuel up. It’s one of the perks of participating. Not that I agreed to be on panels for the mini-bagels…not entirely.

Authors…yeah, the place was thick with them. Here’s just a few that left a very positive impression on me: Ruth Lampri, Janine Spendlove, David Sherman, Robert Waters, Myke Cole, Peter V. Brett, Michael J. Sullivan, Roy Klein, Jeff Young, Nicole L. Bates, Bernard Dukas, Jon Sprunk, D.H. Aire, Compton Crook winner TC McCarthy, last year’s Compton Crook winner James Knapp…oh, and musician and podcaster John Anealio and bloggers/reviewers Mel Hay, Jennie Ivens of Fantasy Faction, and Justin…I can’t remember his last name right now, but when I do I’ll come back and add it.

I have yet to try CosPlay, but one of these years I will dress up. As what I have no idea. Any thoughts?

Went to a fascinating panel on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer and learned a ton about neutron stars which I have pretty much forgotten again. For a brief moment in time, however, I had my Sheldon on.

And lest you think I was sponging off the hospitality of the nice folks at Balticon without giving back, I participated on panels on Guns in Fantasy, The Walking Dead, Alternate History, The Fantasy of Physics and the Relationship between Fantasy and Historiography. And I did a reading with the very funny Janine Spendlove (also a Marine Corps Hercules pilot) and the exceptionally charming Ruth Lampri who is also a terrific artist. Oh, and did I mention I gave blood, too? Thanks to nurse Shequoia for making it relatively painless.

It was a long weekend, but a wonderful break from NYC and a chance to connect with a lot of fantasy people. Next up is probably Comic Con (NYC, don’t think I’ll make it to San Diego) and possibly the con coming up in Toronto this fall.



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