My parents recently sold their home in Canada and are now living the carefree life of gypsies, albeit with a huge RV in tow and a home in Florida for the winter. When they’re not out gallivanting (love that word!) they pop into bookstores to do a little PR work for yours truly. Today they were in Owen Sound, Ontario and stopped in at the Coles bookstore. We lived there when we were kids so there’s a connection. The thing I liked best about Owen Sound, and still do, is that it’s the birthplace of Billy Bishop, Canada’s highest scoring fighter ace. Anyway, my folks got a chance to chat with Angela and Jan of Coles and I wanted to thank them for welcoming my parents and taking the time to talk. It means a lot and I appreciate, and so do my parents. It might sound hokey to some, but those few minutes of interest have a lasting impact.
By the way, did I mention the title of my new book? It’s called The Tree Line. It’s a different approach than my previous titles, but then this fantasy is different from the Iron Elves. The title has several meanings, but the one that first resonated with me was the clear demarcation between two spaces. I like that concept, the idea of danger and safety, light and dark, and how over time those distinctions can blur and even switch. It’s one of the motifs I’m exploring as it mirrors the war in Vietnam which of course is the conflict I am using for inspiration this time. Oh, and after a great chat on Facebook with some readers I am ramping up my dragon research. I spent a couple hours today looking up the various melting points of metal and the general state of metallurgy and alloys in the Middle Ages. Fascinating stuff. But what does that have to do with dragons? You’ll see 🙂