My editor, the incomparable Ed Schlesinger, sent me a copy of my book in CD form as published by Tantor Audio today. Up to this point I’ve really only ever heard my stories in my own head (voices…inside my head…echoes…,)(brownie points to anyone who knows where that’s from) so this will be interesting to hear someone else reading my words. I had a chance to talk with the narrator, Michael Kramer, when we were working out pronunciations and he has a terrific voice. If his name sounds familiar he’s also the narrator for Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series among others. Still, it’s a bit weird. For so long this was mine, and mine alone. Now there are people translating it into languages I can’t speak, reading it with their own take on how this or that character should sound, and even uploading and downloading it – dare I say it – illegally on the net (kids these days with their new-fangled gizmos). Not that long ago it was just my story, my dream. Now it’s taken on a life of its own. Believe me, I’m not complaining, but it’s just a very strange feeling.
Audiooooooooooooooooooooh my!
January 07, 2009