Of Bone And Thunder Of Bone And Thunder will hit stores just in time for Canada Day and the July 4th weekend. Feel free to buy several to give out as gifts to your friends and family at the backyard barbeque 🙂

June 29, 2015
Of Bone And Thunder Of Bone And Thunder will hit stores just in time for Canada Day and the July 4th weekend. Feel free to buy several to give out as gifts to your friends and family at the backyard barbeque 🙂
Interesting, because here in Australia I bought the PB several weeks ago. Took me a week to read it. But somewhere in the last third, I couldn’t put it down. Getting hungry, need a call of nature… I ignored such bodily concerns. Good stuff!
Really liked this book, hope the next is coming soon. I plan on buying the Iron Elves trilogy soon. Cheers