Have I told you lately how much I lo- er, like you 🙂 Seriously, the emails and support I get from fans all over the globe is just spectacular. Writing can be a very isolating profession/obsession, so knowing you’re out there enjoying the adventures of the Iron Elves really means a lot to me. And so, I’d like to say thanks.
You may have noticed the secret tab on the site and wondered just what the heck was discovered in the Lost Library of Kaman Rahl. Well, turns out it was another leather-bound set of the Iron Elves series! These books have been hand-crafted by a skilled artisan steeped in the ancient wisdom of putting leather on, um, well, books 🙂 They are gorgeous. Seriously, they are stunning. And they are going to go to one lucky fan. (Details below the photo)

All you have to do to enter is enter. OK, slightly more involved than that, but not by much. First, this is open to anyone anywhere in the world. You can enter here by replying to this post, or on my http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Evans-Iron-Elves/435233515470?ref=hl FaceBook page, or even my Twitter account. I am not going to make you jump through hoops, just your name and country of origin so that when the drawing is held we’ll know who won.
I’ll hold the drawing at the end of the month. Of course, if there’s a lot of interest I may have to go back into the library and see what else is hidden on the shelves.