To catch everyone up, I’m working on my next book which is currently titled The Tree Line. I’ll be handing it in to my editor this fall for publication in the summer of 2013. The mass market edition of Ashes of a Black Frost is out in the UK and due out in North America late September. I don’t know the dates for the other territories, but I believe the Czech translation of Darkness will be coming soon. I know the Russian one is done and I think in stores.
I recently spent a week and a half in France and still dream of moules et frites and croissants with Nutella…not together mind you. I was the historian for a group of high school history teachers and talked about what happened at various battlefields in the Somme and Normandy. It was fantastic. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been to Normandy now, but someday I think I’m going to buy a little cottage in one of the villages and make it my summer place. Oh, and I’m including one of my hero shots. Seriously, I need to get me one of these!