Are you a list maker?

I love making a list and then ignoring half of the things I put on it. I am building up my stamina, however, or maybe it’s matching expectations with reality, although I don’t like the sound of that because it sounds a bit like giving in. Most times I’d rather shoot for the stars and come up short than shoot for the moon and hit it. But what I am learning, after a lot of bumps and bruises, is to also plan for some way stations along the way. So now when I make a list if I do hit the moon I’m more apt to see that as a stepping stone rather than a failure. And what didn’t get accomplished today gets put on tomorrow’s list…unless I change my mind about it or events overtake me and the task is rendered moot, like watering a plant that is no longer capable of photosynthesis, sigh.

  1. Anonymous

    Your Previous books

    Hi chris, i am a big fan of your books and have read the first iron elves book many times over. but i can’t find the series they debut, i have been looking for ages and can’t find them. i would love it if you could tell me what they were, thanks

    • admin

      Re: Your Previous books

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the series. So far there are two books in the Iron Elves, book one is A Darkness Forged in Fire, and book two is The Light of Burning Shadows. If you live in North America the mass market edition of Burning Shadows will be coming out the end of October. It’s already available in the UK and Australia/New Zealand.

      Hope that helps.



      • Anonymous

        Re: Your Previous books

        thanks for that, i was wondering when i was reading them is you ever considered writing a prequal to the iron elves series, to explain a little more about where the iron elves came from?

        • admin

          Re: Your Previous books

          I have thought about that, and someday I might explore where the Iron Elves originated, but I’m already at work on a new series so I’ll probably take a break from the Iron Elves for a while after Ashes of a Black Frost is published.

    • admin

      And do you then accomplish everything on the list? I find I end up doing triage on my list, and not always focusing on the most important first. I’m more of a “seven bad habits of a surprisingly successful person.”


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